The December edition of Building Bridges is now available from the Prison Action Network.
Items covered in this issue include:
1. Activities around NYS
2. Calls from home
3. Coalition for Fair Criminal Justice Policies
4. Correctional Association's executive director is leaving
5. ICARE column
6. Lifers and Longtermers Clearinghouse
7. Lynne Stewart goes to prison
8. Parole news
9. Prison media
10. Prisoners of the census
11. The Telephone Justice Campaign
12. Transportation to prisons
Of particular interest to parole reform:
~ The Coalition for Fair Criminal Justice Policies will present the first draft of the revised 259-i at a member comment session on Saturday December 12, from 10:30 to 1. The Policy Committee Participants at Prison Action Network’s Family Empowerment Day 4 in October 2008 called for a change in the current parole law to make it conform to community standards of fairness and justice. This revised bill has been produced in response to that call, guided by feedback from members of the Coalition for Fair Criminal Justice Policies.
~ The Lifers and Longtermers Clearinghouse present the first part of their case describing the need for parole reform.
~ Graziano update: The case is still alive. Parties are waiting to learn the outcome of a case before the second circuit that could impact the Graziano case.
~ Shu'aib Raheem's rescission decision.