In 2009, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that 1.4 million adults had spent at least some time on parole supervision nationally and of those exiting supervision during that same year, 34% were re-incarcerated and 11% had another unsuccessful outcome, including revocation without incarceration or absconding (Glaze and Bonzcar, 2010). There is not much information, however, on parolees in local jurisdictions that are often home to a large number of formerly incarcerated persons. For example, New York City accounts for the majority of parolees supervised in New York State (56%). An understanding of the outcomes of New York City parolees can help community corrections officials focus their efforts on a local level to improve outcomes for individuals and the overall system...
...Almost one-fourth (23%) were returned to prison on a technical violation which occurs when parolees violate the conditions of their supervised release (can include an arrest for a new crime or conviction for a misdemeanor offense). Only 6% of parolees were returned to prison as a result of a new felony conviction. The rate of return to prison for New York City (29%) is lower than the national average of 34% reported in the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2009 Report.
A promising result of this study was that the revocation rates have declined over time since the early 2000s (from 32% of individuals released in 2002 to 26% of individuals released in 2006). Possible explanations for this finding as well as additional results are discussed further in the report.
For complete article, see:
Recent Study Produces Local-Level Recidivism Statistics for Parolees in New York City, by Bryn Herrschaft, Senior Research Associate, Center for Court Innovation, January 30 2012
For full report:
Recidivism Among Parolees in New York City, 2001-2008, by Bryn A. Herrschaft with Zachary Hamilton, Center for Court Innovation, November 2011